The Test Environment is a safe sandbox where you can explore and learn how our systems function without worrying about messing up your real account at MakeCommerce / Maksekeskus.

Some notes:

  • We use bank-link emulators and test-cards here. There is no real money involved, so no worries. You can explore the whole process.
  • To test credit card dialog use one of the test cards below
  • The test version of the Merchant Portal has greenish header – to visually distinguish it from the real one
  • Payout processes are disabled in the test. Thus the balance of a Shop in Test Portal is always growing
  • Invoicing process is disabled, there are no invoices displayed in test environment
  • The identifiers and API keys are different in the Test and Live environments – so please be careful and do not mix them up

Test shops

For testing payments you can use the test-shop listed below (test environment):

  • Test shop: 1234567890 – banklinks and card payments enabled
    • Shop id = f7741ab2-7445-45f9-9af4-0d0408ef1e4c
    • API secret key = pfOsGD9oPaFEILwqFLHEHkPf7vZz4j3t36nAcufP1abqT9l99koyuC1IWAOcBeqt
    • API publishablekey  = zPA6jCTIvGKYqrXxlgkXLzv3F82Mjv2E


Test accounts and credentials

For most of the banklinks available in the emulator there is no authentication needed (login dialogs are skipped).

Test Credit Cards

There is a set of test cards you can use in our test environment. They do not function elsewhere.

3D Secure test cards:

  • VISA 4505131234000011, expiry date 06/28, CVC 123
  • MasterCard 5191631234000016, expiry date 06/28, CVC 123

To simulate decline you should use same test cards with amount 99.99 EUR. All card payments with such amount will fail.