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We are PCI DSS 1 compliant


Security, including safe and secure handling of customer and transaction data, has always been a priority for us. As a proof of that, Maksekeskus (MakeCommerce) has always met the required PCI DSS standards, previously Level 2. PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard and consists of rules and standards to protect customer card data.  

With growing number of transactions, now processing over 6 million MasterCard and Visa card transactions, we’re required to meet the requirements of the highest level – PCI DSS Level 1, which was awarded to Maksekeskus AS in July.

For merchants, partnering with a PCI CSS Level 1 certified payment service provider means that their choce of payment solution meets the highest standards in the world. For merchants of any size partnering with Maksekeskus means, that card transaction data is processed by Maksekeskus and the merchant themselves don’t need to meet the requirements of high level 1 PCI DSS standards.

In the eyes of their custoers, merchants working with PCI DSS Level 1 compliant payment service provider is a sign of trust. Together with the internal standards and procuders not neceserly ralated to PCI DSS compliance, Maksekeskus (MakeCommerce) shops have gone through necessery steps to make sure, that the shop meets current e-commerce laws and regulations. And now with PCI DSS Level 1 ceritification, the payment solution in use meets the highest possible standards in the world.

You’re in good company!