For regular one-time card payments there are two options:

  1. Redirect customer to MakeCommerce UI to enter card data
  2. Load MakeCommerce card iframe js from your environment

Redirect customer to MakeCommerce UI to enter card data

If you want to redirect cardholder to MakeCommerce UI to enter card data you should follow such steps:

  1. Create Transaction
  2. Redirect customer to url which is returned under "channel": "Visa" or "channel": "MasterCard" (it is the same URL).
  3. Handle transaction in the same way which is described in General Transaction Flow

Load MakeCommerce card iframe js from your environment

You can load MakeCommerce card iframe js from your UI to collect card data without redirect. It looks like that:

Card checkout js

Important: checkout.min.js could be used only from approved HTTPS domains. In TEST environment you could add as many domains as you want in Merchant self-service portal (Settings -> General settings -> Shop domain). In LIVE environment domains are added by our support team.

If you use Content Security Policy to control from where content could be loaded, for TEST environment you should add:

img-src 'self';
script-src 'self';
frame-src 'self';

For LIVE environment you should add:

img-src 'self';
script-src 'self';
frame-src 'self';

If you want to load MakeCommerce card iframe js from your environment, you should follow such steps:

  1. Create Transaction
  2. Load checkout.min.js in your environment. There are two approaches how to do that:
    • Place a hidden form on your checkout page that checkout.min.js will use to post the data to your backend (check code example)
    • Invoke checkout.min.js with a callback function to process the data returned (check code example)
  3. Customer is redirected to bank issuer page to complete 3DS challenge
  4. After 3DS challenge customer is redirected back to return_url with POST request containing token_return message (check message structure)


All checkout.min.js options

HTML property name JS option name Mandatory Description
data-key key Yes Shop API Publishable key available in Merchant Portal.
data-transaction transaction Yes Transaction ID created with Create Transaction endpoint.
data-email email No Customer email which will be preffiled in iframe
data-client-name clientName No Customer name which will be preffiled in iframe
data-locale locale No Customer’s language. Such are available:
en – English (default)
et – Estonian
fr – French
lv – Latvian
lt – Lithuanian
ru – Russian
es – Spanish
sv – Swedish
no – Norwegian
data-recurring-title recurringTitle Title of the subscription/recurring payment the customer is subscribing for.
data-recurring-description recurringDescription No Description of the subscription/recurring payment the customer is subscribing for. Include here information about recurring payment amount, interval, etc.
data-recurring-confirmation recurringConfirmation No Confirmation text shown next to the approval checkbox for the customer to accept subscription/recurring payment.
data-recurring-checked recurringChecked No Whether or not the approval checkbox to accept subscription/recurring paymentis checked by default. Legally more correct approach that customer would check it himself/herself.
data-recurring-required recurringRequired No If Transaction was created with "recurring_required": false this parameter could overwrite it to true to get multi-use token.
data-selector selector No Hooks quick implementation to the given selector. Note: it is document.querySelector not jQuery.
data-completed completed No Name of the JavaScript function to be invoked on success. Will be called with the data argument. Majority of card transactions include 3DS redirect and in such case JavaScript function is not being invoked.
data-cancelled cancelled No Name of the JavaScript function to be invoked on user cancel action (modal close). No arguments passed.
noConflict No Tells checkout.min.js to run in noConflic mode. This will return a new instance, allowing you to run multiple instances on the same page.
persistentModal No When set to true, iframe will not be destroyed on close.
openOnLoad No Opens modal right away (on script load).
data-backdrop-close backdropClose No Add data-backdrop-close=”false” if you want the CC dialog be truly modal. Defaults to true.


Code example of hidden form

<form id="checkoutForm" action="return.php" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="transaction" id="transaction" value="f4b5b781-724c-4962-ac14-5d5437d72c21" />

    <script src=""
        data-client-name="Name Surname"


Code example when js callback function is used

<script src=""></script>
    window.cc_callback = function(data)
        alert( 'The CC dialog returned: \r\n \r\n'+ JSON.stringify(data) ); 

    {   'key' : 'sLDwspx3XZzzptDM8YX2aBdyDsfN7XvqzYNReaK20argtVSsJFkK7o8BHdfF1AWq', 
        'transaction' : 'f4b5b781-724c-4962-ac14-5d5437d72c21',
        'email' : '', 
        'clientName' : 'Name Surname', 
        'locale' : 'en',
        'completed' : 'cc_callback', 
        'cancelled' : 'cc_callback' }

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" aria-label="Open CC Payment dialog" onclick=";">Open CC Payment dialog</button>


Structure of token_return message

POST parameter JSON:

Field Sub-field Description
transaction array with sub-fields described below
token array with sub-fields described below
error array with sub-fields described below